Thread: SERO Premium
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Old 09-30-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: SERO Premium

Originally Posted by black ice View Post
You wont get it done at bestbuy or any 3rd party retail.. your choices are.. online, telesales. or corp store....
Well, poop. None of those options really work for me. (I'm leaving for Hawaii on Sat. AM, and would love to have my new Evo by then. None of the local Sprint stores have the Evo in stock, but all the local Radio Shacks do.)

So, that $100 rebate is, in essence, part of the subsidy you get for signing up for a longer contract. Dang. I was hoping that the phone would be $375 when signing up for a 12-month contract, but it sounds like it'll be $475, huh? Ouch.

How's this sound for a plan?

Bright and early tomorrow, I contact Sprint. Call them, or go to the Sprint store. I ask them to convert my current SERO plan to Premium SERO with the Evo tax. Then, I go to Radio Shack and buy an Evo. I won't ask them to sign me up for a new contract, but if they insist on doing something, they could "extend" my current contract by 12 months. (Which by then, should be "Evo legal".) Finally, I go back to the Sprint store and make sure the phone is indeed "on" my account.
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