Originally Posted by teradog
anyone doing wifi router (tethering) with sept 26 21679 c2b?
im having issues (why im on tp2 posting)
maybe still wmlonglife post uninstall issues...
if others are wifi teathering with 9/26 679 c2b PLEASE let me know..
(8 flashes in 8 days.. too tired to flash again... )
*edit* working now??! (many attempts, reboots & software delays..)
Also, noticed the interface added an option this ROM "Phone As Modem", still selecting "Sprint" obviously...
Not sure if you are able to tether yet...I was able to with 9/27 679 Dinik and just flashed to 9/29 680 Dinik. I did my standard things (so I thought) and was not able to tether..it just kept tring to connect to Sprint....then I remember what I missed.....I alway change from global to CDMA network only. I do not travel and still have locked Radio so I have the default Sprint SIM so Global does not do anything for me.