Bluetooth and SDCard Suspend Fix
Both Bluetooth and the SD Card are turned off when the unit suspends. This can cause a loss of Bluetooth connectivity if using a BT headset, or crash the system entirely if running an application from the SD card. To correct this, the following registry modifications tell the OS to put these devices on active low-power standby, allowing them to be used when needed:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Power\State\Suspend]
btl1 is the device name for the Bluetooth radio, and dsk1 is the device name for the SD memory card. For more device information, see HKLM\Devices\Active.
Alternatively, power management for Bluetooth can be disabled completely using the following registry mod (NOTE: this may adversely affect your battery life):
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\Bluetooth device\Parms]
NOTE: The above hacks have been proven to work, but won't keep the buggy Bluetooth stack from occasionalloy crashing, which is a whole different issue. I only experience that once every other day or so, however. If you can't figure this out, just a reminder - do not email me. I really could care less about your inability to show off to your nerd girlfriend by hacking her phone, and if you fall flat miserably on your face, don't come crying to me about it.
EDIT: additional elaboration:
when adding in the two following entries be sure you set it up as such:
the "btl1:" goes in as the description (1st box), then dword:00000002 for the value. For some reason if you do it as a straight dword value it may cause the 6700 to hang/run severely slow upon soft reset as it had done to me.
What I had done was added in it as a new registry value. In Resco registry you also have the ability to add specific dword registry strings (DO NOT try that method, first time I accidentially did such, had to hard reset and restore my spb backup exe). Also just in case of accident for anyone being lazy do MAKE sure you backup 1st! (else you might not have the easy way out of just restoring everything with one exe vs having to redo it all from scratch)