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Old 09-30-2010, 09:47 AM
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Re: [ROM] 9/23/10 | Fresh Evo | New OTA Base + FPS Unlock + Fresh Goodies

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
sorry to hear 4g isnt working for you. Im sure you tried updating data profile? Also are you sure you wimax, radio are up to date? Check this thread out where you can update them all: [ Radios ] All EVO Radio, WiMAX, PRI & NV versions - xda-developers

Also, what's up Deval? Its been a while since the Diamond days man. Good to see you!
Yep it's been a while, Sprint has me seriously busy, and I moved on from WM to Blackberry, now to Android!

I did the profile update, etc. and it didn't work, but I think I figured out why, and this could probably be useful for others.

When I rooted my device, I followed another website, which skipped a few steps, and it deleted the WiMAX partition (I believe), so my phone would not work at all with 4G. Once I re-rooted it, following this link:
[GUIDE] How to root Android 2.2 on the EVO 4G, my phone worked fine. This allowed me to flash Fresh and retain 4G usage. I'm on 4G now in NYC, getting 8mb down
Systems Engineer - Sprint Executive Briefing Center
Phones: HTC Evo 4G || Blackberry Bold
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