yes i did cancelled the service on the 6700. And to go to a sprint store, u have no idea how agrevating it is going in there, no one knowns what they doing, they known less than i do, customer service sucks!!!! they dont known how to talk to u to make u feel confortable, i tell u it is agrevating.
I have the 830w and i tell u it is the one, i use it a lot for my business, i use a finances program daily on it and in that program i have to enter data constantly during the 8 hours period, calendar, tasks, internet, email, phone calls, text mess, the point is it has't ever freeze up on me or anything unlike the 6700 once in a whyle i had to soft reset it, this one i just use all does programs at the same time and i dont see that i loose memory or others, just no problems so far, when i'm downloading data i do receive my phone calls, etc, it is the one even do there is one thing i would like to have on it a camera, it does not have a camera other than that is a +. THANKS for your help!!!!!!!!
I'm new at this forums's so i have a question what it means Donate under the members name? donate money? how u became moderate? or other? THANKS