Originally Posted by sly
There's an overall speed improvement when navigating the phone. Things just seems to be more responsive and pop a bit quicker. What I notice are:
- At the home screen, when you flick up/down to display the Quicklinks, it's very smooth.
- On the music tab, the switch from portrait to landscape is definitely quicker than before.
- On the Picture tab, flicking through pictures is smoother.
I haven't noticed any additional features from the the 21679.cookie.Sep.26 ROM and there a still some cookie bugs (can't install additional widgets, as others have mentioned). I haven't even OC'ed yet or loaded the driverpack3 drivers.
2 questions brother :
do you notice any improvement in using Driver pack 3 (is this pack Neo pack 3 or Chainfire V3?) .
I assume you are describing todays ROM , correct ?