Originally Posted by sonic101mk2
downloading the max sense version now, I have a question though, is the 21679 build the one with the start menu at the top or the bottom?
This is a 6.5.x sys, meaning start menu on bottom. This sys is causing some problems on CHT 2.0 beta since it is being interpreted as a 6.1, but it is not. There is a regedit on co0kie's thread that will fix this.
Originally Posted by andygallo
Interesting, I just loaded Light Sense 2.5.2016/21679 and it looks like WM 6.5.1 or 6.5.3. Build number is correct in the phone info tho. First thing that's interesting is there doesn't appear to be a titanium interface (did you take that out?), but overall seems pretty responsive so far. I'm not a fan of the big buttons on the bottom but I'll give it a whirl for a couple of days and let you know what I find.
Believe I had included Titanium, as usual. Will check and let you know asap. Been a long day, so maybe a day or so. Thanks again for those who are testing/reporting.