Originally Posted by detule
I am going to mention this just to cover some bases - but you probably know all of this already.
Have you applied the registry setting preventing your phone from going to sleep in the midst of a phone call?
Also what is your "Sleep After" setting under Control Panel power management, and how does that compare to the length of your phone calls - both the one resulting in an SOD as well as the test ones afterwards.
My personal experience with one OC-er were invariable SODs when phone calls lasted longer than the "Sleep After" time allotment. However, the HCKU/Control Panel/Phone/Sleep -> 0 adjustment has solved this permanently (prevents phone from falling asleep in the midst of a phone call.)
Sorry if this is something you knew already.
Thanks for the reminders. I did not think any additional registry edits were needed with the program I was using: OCT_V_1.5, as noted in my reply to Recursion. You are correct that the call I had the SOD on was far longer than the test calls I made later. I made the Registry change, but I am not sure where the Sleep After setting is that you mentioned. So, as you can see, no apology is necessary - I appreciate the help!