Re: How to know: End Of Life Imagio
I've had my Imagio since the first week it came out and it's still going strong. I've had zero problems with buttons or the screen. I've used several different ROMs and UIs on it over the past year. My only complaint is that it needs more RAM. I gave up on the 2.5 ROMs because they don't leave enough RAM available (kept getting out of memory messages when using Opera), I like the visual voice messaging included in the original ROM, and none of the cooked ROMs allowed AVRCP use with Kinoma (my media player of choice). I'm not sure what I'll do in the future but I probably will not replace this phone until Verizon gets their LTE network up and running. There is no reason to waste money buying a new 3G phone when 4G is right around the corner. Not sure if I'll buy a winmo7 phone as I'm not comfortable buying a first generation device so I'll probably buy an Android; Verizon isn't getting winmo7 phones until mid 2011 anyway.