Originally Posted by evoodoo
The VZW TP2 has a sim card slot as well.
It is meant for roaming.
I appreciate the insight.
I do use the blazn version, so perhaps it is automatically putting me into CDMA instead of GSM, hence the no reception.
As for the android not booting anymore ( instead it hangs after haret reaches 100% - a problem mentioned here as well: [3D][17/09/10]XDAndroid - Topaz [2.2][FRX01 Final] - Page 482 - xda-developers ), I will try different kernels. Perhaps the one I was using was faulty. I currently use the cab version to install the software.
Yeah, I'd clear the whole thing off and reload from the RAR version. For your startup.txt, make sure it has force_cdma=0 and not 1. Also, while you are booting with Haret, does it say anything about GSM Phone Found and then later CDMA Phone found? I'm curious how that works with a SIM card if it registers as CDMA at the end