Originally Posted by deltagamer
So I keep hearing how Android is great so few days ago I went and installed it on another Vogue that I have.
I think you need to define what "far better OS" means?
I am actually glad I tried this, and plan to sticking out with it for few more days. IMO, a stable WM 6.5.3 is more useable than Android 2.2, at least on Vogue. "Far better"? Maybe that means "with far larger marketplace"? Then that is true. But otherwise - not really IMO...
- it does not boot up any faster than WM
- you have to manage applications w. some sort of task manager, the same as with WM (actually, IMO it's worse on Android, as the phone seems to crawl with only 3-4 apps open)
- you can't change the home page for browser? Really? It says it changes it, but it still goes to Google?
- wanted to use the camera - sorry can't do unless I have an SD card (which I took out after flashing and put it back into a camera)...
- I had multiple apps simply not run after downloading them from marketplace
- Once I installed Android 2.2, this was the first time since a looong time that I had to start using stylus for a few things
- Android obviously lies to my corp Exchange server that it follows the pin lock policy, when it is not. So now I have corp data on the phone but no pin lock; good job, Google!
Few more days. I am really trying to like this but I just don't see it, not on Vogue. And yes - I overclocked it. Again, I am glad to have tried it but

I don't see what the big deal is. You have to tinker with this even more than with WM 6.5.3 it seems?
EDIT: after a few more days...
- I have to reset my phone at least once a day, sometimes 2-3 times. It just locks up hard with black screen and that's it
- Battery life, compared to WinMo - is terrible; even with all email accounts set to manual, I feel like different applications still call home very often. I turned off automatic sync for apps in Sync options too??
- GPS does not work (did under WinMo)
- Apparently, Android market has no smarts to make sure that the app you download will work on your device resolution; downloaded a few that were too big for the phone.
I generally do NOT have complaints about OS speed though. Continuing the experiment...
I threw in the towel and went back to WinMo. It was just too much work for what it's worth. It was an interesting experiment but Android (at least on Vogue) needs some more major baking to reach the stability of WinMo 6.5. (shrug!)
(Vogue, now don't you die on me before WZV starts carrying WP7!)