MMS working solution for EVO NON custom ROM solution!
First and foremost I must give credit to tritron777 and deathsled for providing original threads and concepts. I do not take any credit just reposting the information.
original thread...
[ROM] Jiminy v2 (for Cricket) - Hybrid EVO 3.28/Incredible 3.21 w/ g3a8614e kernel - xda-developers
deathsled cricket rom....
The Provided APN.xml is working with those using the cricked android plan my self included.
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes' ?>
<apns count="1">
<apn name="CDMA-MMS" numeric="46605" mcc="466" mnc="05" apn="mms" user="" server="NA" password="cricket" proxy="" port="8080" mmsproxy="null" mmsport="null" mmsprotocol="null" mmsc="" type="mms" />
For those on the 45$ rate plan and below
I believe that this solution in combination with the linked solution below should also achieve working results.
Cricket / MetroPCS Web/MMS Flash 8/9 - xda-developers
I confirm this solution to be working on my favorite ROM solution...
VirusROM BASE SENSE RC3 with Carbon Theme...
I could not use the adb push method as I am on the road and forgot to grab my micro usb cable...
1. I used Root Explorer to first delete mms.apk from /system/app
2. I copied mms.apk to /system/app
3. Using Root Explorer I over wrote default.xml/system/customize/MNS/default.xml
4. Reboot
A. To my surprise I did not have a messaging app in the app drawer upon boot?
B. Using Root Explorer I navigated my SD card to folder I had placed mms.apk and launched mms.apk thus installing.
6. Downloaded and installed APN Backup, removed current apn.
7. I used the above posted APN.xml after modifying the "red" string with my info, thanks deathsled provided and apn.xml
8. Rebooted
I figure some of the steps may not be necessary how ever I documented the exact process and procedure in which I now have functioning MMS..
Dont forget to extract the .zip file the board did not allow .rar extension. In other words do not try to install in recovery.. MMS