Originally Posted by eric12341
and what about the sms hanging issues and the SODs? I could have a million texts saved in 6.1 and never see this issue. and why would one want to strip 6.5 of what mainly makes it 6.5? might as well just use 6.1. in the 6.1 rom I'm using thats already done. 6.5 doesn't have anything that 6.1 doesn't feature-wise that would make me want to flash it.
Well with 6.5 & 6.5.X u will have to empty ur texts regularly. Some people found the ROM that works for them. Those SODs and hanging really depend on how well that certain ROM works on ur phone. I had those issues before and Energy was the only one that worked for me. But for others they got crazy SODs on Energy but found other ROMs to get rid of thatproblem.
I see where ur coming from tho because 6.1 is so F'n stable & fast... Im only on 6.5.X for eye candy & Energy made one hell of a stable & fast ROM. Thats my ONLY reason to be honest.