Originally Posted by JohnMcD348
So, when I download a .CAB file from places like Marketplace, PocketNow, OMarket, et. al, I see the download and run the install and get teh program but I can never find the actual CAB file to delet or move after installing the program. I feel like it is taking up morre storage space than I really want and am suffering from poor performance on my phone. My storage and Program memory are at near half 64/47megs and would like to clear out some of this stuff. I try to install most programs onto my SD card but I think there's still an awful lot making it's way onto the actual phone memory.
How can I search and clear thsi stuff out?
John you have no worries, with Market Place and Omarket, it automatically deletes the file after installation.
Temporary caches their cabs to My Documents as Tmair said.
Omarket caches their cabs to \Program Files\OpnMarket\Cache
note: you'd only see the "cache" folder in \Program Files\OpnMarket\
when the program is running.