Originally Posted by tradegames45.com
Your talking down to me because I'm not as advance in this area as you are. However, do you know how to rebuild a car engine, can you bench 450 ibs., create your own website " www.tradegames45.com", or get seriously in gears of war. So just because you have more knowledge in this area than me does not give you the right to talk down to me. I have been reading all the forums that I could find on this subject. However, I still do not feel secure attempting the upgrade. That's why I wanted a step by step tutorial. So if you are not lending a helping hand please keep all these wack comments to yourself.
All this search, and your stupid stuff is for the birds. Get fly out of my thread
Umm yes I own a performance and fabrication shop. Yes I am also a professional athlete in motocross. Yes I program in several languages and have enough web pages developed to make myself sick including compiled programs that I have wrote.
So before jumping around again like an ignorant 13yr old stop being lazy and ask for help in a manner that will yield results. No one is going to spoon feed you.