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  #581 (permalink)  
Old 09-27-2010, 10:31 AM
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Re: [ROM] 9/23/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | Offical 3.29.651.5| Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-

I noticed the update said " keyboard expiration fixed", but now i do not get the expired message just beeps when I try to use the swyping ability. How would i uninstall it if I wanted to try a different apk file? Have not unistalled any pre-installed programs before. BTW battery life rocks!! Used your TP2 updates.


I was experiencing FC caused by swype although swype was not working. I extracted the z_swype.apk from the 3.29 rom from post 1(not all in one). I copied it to the root of my sd card then installed the app via root explorer. After reboot it worked perfect. In order to activate the app I had to select it from settings > language and keyboard > swype settings> tutorial. Once the tutorial is finished swype works perfect.

The apk is located in the rom 3.29xxx/data/app/z_Swype.apk
Hope this helps.

Chris , Thanx one again
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