there is code that can be changed and added to fix this but i have no idea how to do it. cyanogen pointed me here:
core/res/res/values/config.xml at dc138a8865bd34163cfefd32b1e89c27788e5538 from CyanogenMod's android_frameworks_base - GitHub and the part that needs to be implemented is in this line:
<!-- Allow the menu hard key to be disabled in LockScreen on some devices -->
<bool name="config_disableMenuKeyInLockScreen">false</bool>
im guessing the code needs to be compiled and added to the rom some way. this only really seems to be an issue with the stock rom. i like cyanogenmod but i wanna keep 4G, ive tested out many other roms as well and the stock does me justice, find i actually get the best battery life out of it with the way i use it.
does anyone know anything about compiling code and maybe fixing this issue once and for all?