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  #1031 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 09:22 PM
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kjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIPkjhadfield is still contributing even after becoming a VIP
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I have noticed that mm task isnt closing apps like it should. I use this task since release so i know it has worked and i do have the option in settings checked. Even tried uncheck then check.

Wnyone else?

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