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Old 09-25-2010, 04:20 PM
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Re: [POLL] Is Android stable enough for YOU for daily use

A lot of the latest releases are quite stable and ready for daily use. My favorite, and most stable, Nexus-based build is MCCM 1.5. I have no problems with it whatsoever. And the battery life is acceptable. But for a Sense-based build, I haven't experienced any Android build better than the Mdeejay v.1 Evo-based build. It is supremely stable, smooth and efficient. The battery life is nothing short of revolutionary for these card-based OSs. I'm seeing percentage drops of around 2 to 4 per hour. This build is my main and most prized build.

Sadly, the dev updated this Evo build to v.1.1 with a different kernal. I tried to use it but currently the wifi errors out.

I still have v.1 if anyone might want it. It isn't available at the dev's thread any longer.
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