Originally Posted by syntheticexctasy
that's what I was thinking myself but I thought they had just changed some policies...
anyhow spoke to a rep over the phone at a repair location (actually not even a real sprint store, place called orbit tech) who said whomever I spoke with at the sprint corporate store was wrong, and that if he couldn't fix my handset he'd replace it free of charge...
cool, im glad you found someone thats going to handle the situation correctly...

sprint always has some excuse to try and make you pay. they actually tried to get me to use my upgrade lol. even though ive gotten 4 upgrades between may 09 and feb 2010 and some how still eligible for a upgrade, it doesnt mean im ready to use it though. i used one to get my tp2 in jan and the next month i became eligible for another upgrade

keep those upgrades comin sprint lol