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Old 09-25-2010, 11:51 AM
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Re: [ROM] MyCleanImagio-21874/235XX - May/3rd/10th [Build 1.9]

I am not trying to be discouraging. I have thanked and praised Adortab many times throughout. He has done a great job and I am afraid to try other ROMs. He was very helpful and I know he spent a lot of time. By the way, I did donate twice. But we have been waiting for the final he spoke of, and he said he wouldn't leave us. There were still a couple of issues with the last one, then the links are gone for his files so there is no way to recover them. I am just a little frustrated that's all and my phone freezes. Really, I think it's time to leave Windows Mobile.

To Adortab: thank you for what you did for the Imagio.
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