Originally Posted by imnuts
I just unlocked 2 devices from VZW last week that were both replacement units. Also one the week before that.

Well I tried Loading an old Sprint ROM. I went back to WM 6.1, then tried again.
- Sync'd phone
- Downloaded a fresh HSPL from Olipro/Cmonex web site.
- Ran the package.
- Chose the "Automatic" as recommended.
- There after received the DAMN message again of "we have detected that you have used this before and bla bla bla... for commercial use contact... so on and so on..." and PAY!PAY! PAy!
Maybe just my luck or something. I am fresh out of ideas. I even tried all sorts of crazy things. One was to extract the .nbh file and rename it "RHODIMG.nbh" and placed it raw in a micro sd so that I could try to flash from the card. No good!
Then I extracted the .nbh file from the stock RUU from Sprint which I had already flashed, and replaced it with a custom .nbh and again, NO GO!