Originally Posted by imnuts
There isn't a virus in the package. The reason it shows up as one is because of how it works. It checks hardware, downloads files from online, and then tries to access hardware again. Basically, the functionality that allows them to license it also makes it look like a trojan/worm to AV programs. I may have a solution for you though to unlock your phone while waiting for the Mr. X HSPL.
I would really like to hear about your solution! do i "watch this forum" or do i PM you?
my experience with the unlocking problem is what got teradog going on this. my name is marvin, i go by ichthus in this forum.
i have the same symptoms as described in the previous post. i am unable to unlock my phone. i am totally pissed that olipro/cmonex still have the balls to leave their money-collecting website UP and collect our money while having no intentions of helping.