Originally Posted by That0neUser
Yeah, I'm able to back it up and restore it using TB. I backup:
[USER DICT] com.android.providers.userdictionary 2.2
[USER DICT HTC] Touch Input 2.10
I'm not positive, but I think both are needed to restore the custom dictionary. I think I did just the first once, and it didn't restore the custom dictionary, but it did when I did both.
I was looking for a database file, hopefully along the lines of a .txt type file to easily make edits and additions via the PC. I think I might be SOL on such a thing.
I appreciate your input! =)
Thanks Bro. Actually just restoring [USER DICT HTC] only did it for me.
Originally Posted by helljumperx
That didn't work.
the file size is 172mb
is it maybe because I'm switching from my old 8gb to my new 32gb micro sd?
Sorry should've clarified. Deodexed is 176, Odexed 172.
The card COULD be the issue, regardless reformatting the card cant hurt.
Back up the contents to your PC, reformat and then try to flash the ROM with a blank card.
I feel I've seen the error you're getting before but I can't find any references atm, I'm still looking....