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Old 02-27-2008, 01:40 PM
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Re: Challange to all the rom chefs

So there's the fry-cook answer to the chef challenge question. To all the other fry cooks out there, don't stop doing what you do. It doesn't matter if you can if you how to clean a rom(yet) or make a kitchen(yet) or if you know what espt does(yet). What matters is that you are trying to learn everyday and that you are passing along what you learn. That's what this forum is all about. Learn and share, learn and share.[/quote]

This is what I'm talking about ........ When I joined this forum in October of last year which was not very long ago , I did not know anything about customizing a rom ..... However through searching and downloading the tools to create roms I eventually learned how to make my own roms . I was at first making Titan roms based off of Dcd's clean roms and No2chems clean roms then it struck me why am I taking someone else's work and claiming it for myself yeah I would give them credit but I did not do anything but add to what was already there. So I learn how to clean my own rom I learn what I could take out what not to take out how to change the file directories,icons ,make hybrids and whatever ...... the point of this thread is not to start troble but to make aware that you guys have been kinda lazy when it come to doing your own work .... If Dogguy never made the prepit and buildit batch files would any of you guys know what those tools are in the kitchen to break down the rom ..... PROBABLY NOT so why is it that you say so what if you can't do it yet... is that really good enough for you ? Believe me alot of you guys enjoy using others work .... I don't I just got really lazy when 6.1 came out and asked No2chem to port it for us ... or other wise you guys would still be using dharverys thread about how to get 6.1 to the vogue
so what I saying is feel free to bug me I REALLY WANT TO HELP YOU GUYS OUT NO JOKE ...... Lets help each other learn how to build OUR OWN VERSION OF A ROM .... and get away from using other peoples work that they put the time in to create ......
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