Originally Posted by pedrodog69
Omj I really really like the sapphire theme, is there a way to get that theme or wall paper? Thanks for your hard work sent a donation.
Originally Posted by OMJ
I havent been keeping up w/ the theme dev.....last I heard his laptop crashed, but that was awhile ago. If he has a 100% working version for froyo, I can build one, as the sapphire was quite popular.
Thanks again for the donation, it's greatly appreciated!
Hey guys, noticed this thread today on xda.
[Themes/Fixed][Update 9/24][Tested On 3.29 Base] Konikub's Themes with Gallery FC Fix - xda-developers
thanks to bigrushdog, he has fixed all the konikub's themes including Sapphire. Should work good on omj deodexed. Good luck.