Originally Posted by OMJ
sorry, I forgot to answer earlier.....I did alot of playing yesterday, alot of trial & error, mostly error, lol.
anyways, both ROMs will be based on a stock ROM, the Odexed version will be based on JoeyKrims stock ROM, and to save me the time of deodexing, the Deodexed version will be based on Myn's stock deodexed ROM, which really is just a deodexed version of JoeyKrims.
So the short answer is they are both based on the JoeyKrim stock ROM, lol.
Are Caulkin's mods still flashable on the odexed version? I think I read somewhere that they're for deodexed only.
Secondly, no one knows where the custom user dictionary database is stored on the phone??