Originally Posted by housinit
Even tho your laptop isn't your main computer its going to be a headache when you do get a virus. Theres no way you won't get one if your online any length of time. NOD32 does not slow down your PC at all.
After 3 years and no viruses on my Vista laptop, I'm not convinced that a antivirus program is necessary on it given my usage.
Additionally, I don't go to suspect websites on it, get my email on another computer and have an ISP that runs their own antivirus.
This computer is mainly used for audio frequency analysis and some light web surfing. Even if it were to someday get a virus, I'm fine with reloading it. There just isn't that much to reload if I have to.
With that said, anyone that does any serious work on a computer or has a lot of data files or programs or aren't all that careful when going to websites, RUN ANTIVIRUS. Don't be stupid.