Originally Posted by csmith06
There was a bar on the right that filled up with blue color at first, but it doesn't do that anymore because I don't select update.
Earlier today, I downloaded the pc36img to the root of my sd card because it didnt even find it. So then I downloaded the pc36img and put it on there. I will see if I can find a memory card reader when I get off work tonight because I can't get it to cut on and select usb drive.
And I will try the push recovery tonight too. I get off work at 12:30 am Central time
and if you would have selected update that bar on the side would start to move
the pc36 you were trying to load was for root??
if your already rooted you dont need to load that pc36 that was for root
if you want to flash a rom the usually dont come in the pc36 format unless it includes pri or radios
like the pc36 link i gave you that is a custom rom that includes radios
if you want to just flash a custom rom you need to fix recovery
with the link given
here is a link for a custom rom when you dl it
it will just show the rom name given by the maker it will not be in pc36 format just move to sd card and flash zip
OMJ's EVO 2.2 FroYo v3.3
Deodexed w/ Stock Kernel