Turned on my phone this morning and it went into some kind of update mode... Could not stop it. Seems now that the phone is back to a stock type ROM... Was using Mighty ROM... I got to the point of depending on the WiFi tethering application for work. WiFi Sharing App gone, but others such as Google Maps, Weather Apps, and Pictures are still there. Weird...
Did Sprint force an update to the HTC's running custom ROMs?
Device Information still says:
ROM Ver: MightyROM6
ROM Date: 7/7/09
But all users settings, ringer, backlight, clock, wallpaper back to stock. What happened?
Wifi Sharing gone, no option to turn Wifi on anymore...
Haven't tried reflashing yet, been so long since I messed with this phone, need to read up on it again (refresh my knowledge)...