Originally Posted by Phen0m
Well I have the EPIC, and I know this is an EVO forum, but im seeking information.. as im coming up on my 30days.. and want to make a sound decision.
Im really not too disenchanted with my EPIC unlike most people, the biggest issues for me are:
Phone charges slower than any phone ive ever seen, and also drains just as fast.. You can do things to increase standby Battery time, but in-use.. the Battery literally drips away right in front of you(funny because super amoled is supposed to help immensely with batt. life).
EVO Questions:
-How is the EVO's IN-USE battery time approx. I know this will widely vary, but with normal usage(web, IM's, gaming.. what can i expect).
-Gaming, How well do emulators(PSX in particular) run? How are the touch-screen controls?
-Does the EVO have a "sleep" method for 3G/4G(Epic does sleep when not in use)
-Overall performance.. Ive had 0 issue's with my EPIC gaming or in Multimedia.. how does the EVO fare in this arena?
-Lastly.. how is the sound when used as a mp3 player?
The EVO's battery drains faster than the Epic.
The Epic has a GPU for a better gaming experience.
The EVO sleeps just like the Epic does.
The Epic is slightly better at multimedia.
As for use as an MP3 player, it really all comes down to your headphones.
This is coming from me as an EVO owner since it's release.
IMHO your questions about your Epic, actually perform worse on the EVO.