I am testing FroyoRedux and...
Wifi is extremely slow, don't know why...slower than 3G! 170k/sec on dslreports
I can't find the camera icon, do I need to download one off of Market?
3D works!

ShootMe and Quadrant (both don't work on xdandroid builds) work
Pandora (don't work on this or any xdandroid build I have tried)
Same LauncherPro Plus bug where I loose icons to a box with android guy
Had to switch to 240 resolution, on 210 fancy widget looked weird... Only down side is phone, top row is a bit chopped off, but no biggie...
Still testing... Can you tell me if the Cyanogenmod6 has these bugs? If not I would like to switch to that one and test it as well...
EDIT: I just turned Airplane mode on, turned Wifi on and it's working fast. Going to try to turn Airplane off and then wifi on to see if it has anything to do with it...