Re: If you're waiting until 10/01 to buy a 4G device on SERO
Hey mykie, did you order your phone through telesales, or just over
I recently got my parents switched from VZW to Sprint EPRP, and they got an Epic and an Evo. So, I have been going to their house several nights this week to test drive the phones. LOL.
The Epic is a sweet phone, it feels like its faster than the EVO. The display is a helluva lot sharper and crisper. I would say the Epic has the best diasplay I have ever seen on a phone.
But, The EVO is nice in the fact that it feels built like a tank, and has the larger screen. You wouldn't think that .6 or so bigger screen seems that big but it is.
Right now, I am stuck between them...dunno which I will end up with. The Epic is really badass though. Had it a screen as big as the Evo, I would snap it up with a quickness.
Yup, Thats the actual speeds I get from my 1U production server ![Smile](
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