Originally Posted by Padron26
Since most of us here are coming from the TP2, me included. wireless tether has become a requirement for daily functions. to me its better than carrying around a MiFi.
the only thing that gets me is, my TP2's wireless tether function worked alot better that the Moto X's wireless tether. With the TP2 i always had a strong stable signal. the Moto X has had data connection issues, but since the ota 2.2 update the X's tether has become more stable.
i still get the occasional data loss but it doesnt drop out completely like it did before
It is strange how different phones behave differently. Maybe it has something to do with the area you live in. Bc my data connection is less stable since the ota. While i am using Wireless Tether I will get 350kbs, 1kbs, 625kbs, .5kbs... It's all over the place. Sometimes it is usable, sometimes not.
I end up just using Easy Tether (usb) most of the time.
What is the exact app you are using? Mine is "Wireless Tether for Root" by Muller, Lemons, Buxton.