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Old 09-23-2010, 08:21 AM
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Re: +++RaiderROM! WM 6.5.3 [9/14/2010]+CLEAN ROM

yes. I was running the realvga build prior to this one (I think you removed it) and it was great.

There were a bunch of home screen themes included in it, and fingermenu was installed, and the lockscreen for Windows Mobile 6.5 was the slider.

This is how the lockscreen looks with the uploaded ROM (found image elsewhere):

the boot screen is also the default PALM and orange Windows logo.

I grabbed it from the first link in the first post: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Redownloaded it 3 times as well.

The vibrate switch is odd in that I can turn it to vibrate mode and it will vibrate for notifications of missed calls, texts, etc. But it will not vibrate when the phone rings. I confirm this by setting the physical switch to vibrate mode, then hitting the "sound/volume" button in the upper taskbar. The upper taskbar still says sound is "on", so incoming calls do not make the phone vibrate.

I set the sound icon to "vibrate" and it works as expected. It's like it ignores the physical vibrate switch.

the 128dpi version seems to have everything but I really like the RealVGA on the Treo Pro. It lets me actually see menus.