Originally Posted by win7463
Can't wait to give it a shot. Thanks for keeping us in the loop about the newest releases. Is this another work of abrasives doing the porting?
Yes, and he has already promised to port the final shipped 2019, so we all owe him many thanks.
Originally Posted by rsuddath
I have been using Your ROM on my Diamond for 2 weeks now with rare crashes or other problems. This is perhaps the most capable and one of the most stable ROMS I have ever used on this phone. Too bad it finally comes along so near the end of the line for this device. Thanks again for keeping this phone as up to date as possible.
Thanks for the kind words.
Originally Posted by josh3794
This has been answered a few times in the thread. OAT does not include office in the ROM as there are versions available in cab form and some in this thread. I attached an office 2010 cab to this post that works very well with these ROM's as I noticed this question has been popping up lately.
Thanks for taking care of this for me. Was out the last couple of days doing some fly fishing on the mighty San Juan river.
Originally Posted by CeltREI
Anyone else having issues installing Swype on the MaxSense rom? I've tried 2.0 and 3.19 even found some... things ye don't mention on here type ones and even they didn't install.
I keep getting "Swype installation was unsuccessful".
Tried installing it to both device and storage, multiple times and after multiple hard resets and a re-flash or two (aye, I'm through ^_^)
'Fraid I'm no help on this as I don't use Swype. Doesn't surprise me though, given the extensive changes that Maxycy does on Sense.