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Old 09-22-2010, 04:56 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v3.2 | FroYo 3.28.651.6 | *Updated 9/19/10*

Originally Posted by mdiaz33685 View Post
u want to type ##778# is what u r looking for..

edit... I want to delete lattitude.... I dont know the name to look for,,, I did delete alot of other apps....
Actually if you want to change your PRL then ##775# is what you want. OMJ already said he forgot the epst.apk that allows that code to work. OMJ will include it in the next update.

Originally Posted by jayhuffdaddy View Post
Support - Article

No mention of 3.28 on there. Maybe that's why netarchy's kernel did not play nice when I flashed OMJ'S rom of 3.28.
Dude. As it was said before, 3. 28 was NOT official. No Sprint tech or Sprint document will reference it. That has NOTHING to do with why the kernel didn't flash. That kernel does work on other 3. 28 ROMs. Kernels can be fickle,they don't need a clear cut reason not to work.

Originally Posted by Sauske View Post
I'm new to android, But to flash the Pri or the Baseband or the kernal do you just go to the recovery and Flash from there? And or can Clockworkmod flash these thing for you besides the rom? Pri, Baseband and the kernal what do they mean or relative in contrast to a WM phone i.e. RUU...
The latest PRI, kernels, and radios (baseband) are flashable from Recovery, either Clockwork or amon RA.
Those components of the ROM are not exclusive to Android, WinMo has them too with the possible exception of kernels. I never heard that term before I came to Android.

RUUs are methods of flashing employed by both WinMo and Android.
Hope that helps.

Last edited by iknowsquat; 09-22-2010 at 05:01 PM.
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