Thread: Rooting
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Old 09-21-2010, 10:09 PM
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Re: Rooting

Originally Posted by ezln0423 View Post
lol yeah im really slow but usually figured stuff by my self but being new to android doesnt help lol how can i start all over again? by the way thank you for the help
Ok. You'll need to run the Hero RUU. After that, you have officially set your phone back to the day it came out of the box. Then you're going to need to run Unrevoked to root it (Unrevoked Forever optional.)

after root, you're going to download the recovery image. As soon as it is downloaded, change its name (for simplicity's sake) to "recovery.img" (without the quotes, obviously).

Now, on the phone, download terminal emulator from the market. There are several free ones. My personal favorite is this one.

Now, move that recovery.img to the sdcard. You can do this by mounting the phone as mass storage and just drag and dropping it to the root of the card.

Now, fire up the terminal emulator. Type this in:
mount -o remount,rw -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
flash_image recovery /sdcard/recovery.img
That should do the trick. to test if it worked, type "reboot recovery" into the terminal, and it should take you to amon ra's sexy-ass recovery image.

Let me know.
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