Originally Posted by camtah
Just finished setting up my new TP2 with the 23138 Dinik. I am running MS 3.5.5 as my shell. I stopped Arkswitch and I am using the memory saving CSM. I have enclosed a few pics of my memory and home screen. I am OC at ~730 Mhz as well.
I am still shaking it out, but so far I am impressed. Hopefully this will work out for me and I can begin to contribute to this forum and the developers
Looks good,I disable arkswitch as well but i try to delete it from the rom as much as i can because it causes my screen to freeze and gives me SOD issues.Once removed the problems at least 95% solved and it only happens once every couple weeks instead of every 6 hours or more.
Great looking screen and also great memory.Im using the same Sept 20th 23XXX CHT Dinik rom with my pagepool set to 20 and i get about 87-90 mb free after a soft reset and it settles to about 68-76 mb free memory after a cpl hours of use.Using cleanRam level 2 every 3 hours that is.What pp are u using to get 99mb free memory with the 23138 Dinik rom?