Re: Disable all Vibrate in Mr. X Rom 2.5 TP2
I uninstalled PhoneAlarm last Night and then installed PhoneWeaver but this Problem still exists always Vibrating when on Mute.
I did find something else that talks about these setting but my Registry setting is set to:
Which according to the specs below should mean Ring only but it still Vibrates any help would be appreciated on what else I should look at to get rid of this Vibrate when Muted Problem.
'Script' = apw3r
Here are the ringing codes
a - stands for display
r - repeat/replay the script again
c - sets the volume C50, c150, c100
f - means flash .. f1 flash for 1 second and f0 stands for flash continuously
p -means play ringtone
v- vibrate then incorporate with number to state how many seconds it will vibrate example. v3 vibrate for 3seconds or v0 for continous
w - stands for wait or pause then specify how many seconds like w3(wait for 3 seconds)
here are some examples
Flash - af1w60f0
Ring - apw3r
Ring Once - ap
Increasing Ring - c50apw3c150r
Vibrate Then Ring - v3w3apw3r
Vibrate - av3w3r
Short Vibrate - av1w3r
Vibrate Long Then Ring - v3w3v3w3apw3r
Vibrate And Ring - av0pw3r
Increasing Ring And Vibrate - c50apv3w3c150r
Fast Vibrate And Flash - af1v1w1f0r
Vibrate and Ring Continously without pausing - av0pr