Got mine in today too. Went out for a bit after work and just got home. I have it charging up right now. Gonna test it out as soon as its done charging. The headphones that came with it look like the same ones they give away to every passenger on flights.....Little dissapointed there I guess, but I didnt buy it for that reason, plus I have a nice set of headphones to use if I decide to use it like that. I bought it to hook up to a set of computer surround sound speakers that are in my garage for when I'm working on cars. Or I may also use it with the laptop surround speakers in my bedroom, or even my home theater in the living room, that way I can have my Evo in my hand on the other side of the room and change songs without having to walk over the receiver where my Evo would normally be plugged in. Hopefully it does those things well, as that was/is my intent.
EDIT: Oh, and the little foam covers for the headphones ripped in to pieces when trying to put them on the headphones..