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Old 02-26-2008, 11:36 PM
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Re: Anyone want to build me a custom rom or help me build my own

Let's take it in steps. First I will give you a write up on how to do the absolute basics of how to make a flashable rom file. From there we can start to get into some of the more advanced things.

What kitchen are you using? there are several different kitchens and some may require that you do more of the steps manually while others are more automated. Personally I like to use the dogguy kitchen because a lot of the step are automated. So my little write up will ne based on the DogGuy kitchen. I downloaded the kitchen from Lattismos ftp link....

I did not proof read this so forgive all my errors. I also did this from memory so if I missed something I'm sorry. I hope this helps!

1) assuming you already have the kitchen you will need a base rom to work with, the rom is the nbh file. You can used any RUU_Signed.nhb file you want. I start with the No2Chem's base v107 build. This is a clean base to start with. So, if you have the kitchen folder and the nbh file downloaded all you have to do is copy or drag and drop the nbh file into the kitchen. I prefer to copy and paste so you still have the original rom some where on your computer so you can start totally fresh if you want to.
2) So now you should have your kitchen folder openned with the .nbh file pasted into the that folder. Some of the tutorials say to rename the RUU_Signed.nbh to input.nbh....this step is unnecessary. All you have to do at this point is run the PrepIt.bat. How do you do that? Simple, double click the link and viola. PrepIt.bat is pretty much an automated process. Once PrepIt is done you will now see the original nbh file will now be named input.nbh, you will have three new folder(ROM/SYS/OEM). For beginners the only folder you will want to mess with is the OEM Folder.
3) The OEM folder is where basically all of the customization takes place. Open the OEM folder and place any OEM's you want into this folder. There are several other folders in the OEM folder and for the most part you don't have to touch those folders. I'm not going to get into how to build oems as this point because that is another tutorial in itself. There are several places to find large folders of oems and you can find, one of those folders are right here at our ftp site. there are also other threads that talk about where to find oems for your rom. So for now just use some prebuilt oems and learn to build oems after learn how to use the kitchen from beginning to end. You may want to know what an OEM is. In my words an oem is a application that is suitable to be built into a rom. Again, adding oems to your oem folder is very simple. Just open the folder that contains all of the oems you want to add and copy and paste those oems into the kitchen oem folder. That's it.
4) Now once you have all of the oems in the oem folder you are ready to run the next kitchen utility. That utility is the BuildOs.exe. Double click the BuildOS link and you will open another window. If all of the oem's were placed in the oem folder properly you should see in the buildOs window a list of all of those apps with a radio box to the left. Make sure the box is checked so when you run the buildOs exe those apps will be built into your rom. A couple of notes here. One, you can add a lot of apps to your rom, but you can't add every app on the plant just because you have the oem. Two, you may get errors when you run buildOs. These errors usually happen because some of the apps you included in your oem folder includes a file that is already part of the original rom. You will need to go find that file and delete it before buildOs can run completely(by the way to run buildOs you just click the green play button). Look at the the error message to find where the problem lies. More than likely you will see something like this, "the file al_1.brn already exists in the oemapp folder". So let's say when BuildIt was trying to build HTC Action Screen into the ROM it noticed that the OEMAPP folder already contained the file al_1.brn. What I choose to do is go to the OEMAPP folder, find that file, and delete it. Once you have done that you can click the green play button again, buildOs will start over, and if you get another similiar error follow the same process. Once buildOs is able to run completely it will simply say done in the lower left hand corner.
5) Okay we are getting really close. As I said buildOS basically builds all of the customization into your new rom. The final step is to Create the new flashable nbh file. How do we do this? You guess it, we double click the CreateIt.bat link and let the magic happen. A new dos window will open, it's totally automated. CreateIt essentially takes all of the folders that were split apart at the PrepIt step and puts them back together so we have a new nbh file. When createIt is done the new RUU_Signed.nbh file will be in the RUU folder ready to be flashed. To flash that rom you simply double click the ROM Update Utility execute and everything should start looking familiar at this point.

Okay, I'm not the most well spoken cat on the planet so if you made it thru this post and you were able to flash a new rom, congratulations. You are officially promoted to fry-cook.

"Not the victory but the action. Not the goal but the game.
In the deed the glory."