Originally Posted by suntopper
OK, I feel like a newb all over again. I've searched and looked at DaveTN's faqs and fixes links with no luck. Please help me Obi Wan!!!
I'm on verizon and cannot hook up to the internet via WIFI router (either Comm Mgr or the WIFI router in tools folder). I can connect but no joy when I try to access the internet on my laptop. I've tried using "verizon wireless" and "my connection" but it doesn't work. What am I missing?
I'm a little confused, are you saying that you want to use the internet from you phone on your laptop? if so all you should have to do <i'm on sprint and all i did was go into settings>wireless controls>turn on internet sharing and then set-up your laptop to connect to Energy connection and enter the WEP key and then surf away.