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Old 09-19-2010, 12:26 PM
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Re: So.... TP2 a dead platform?

I was drinking at a friends house and using my EVO to DJ, between a mix of my local music and slacker radio everybody was happy. Went outside to smoke and when I came back somebody had stolen my "iPod".
Stupid SOB's don't even realize prolly that the phone is CDMA, and is completely worthless cause the ESN has been blacklisted. 10 bucks says they don't know how to even turn it on.
Dumb ****s.

I'm even more upset cause my 30 days are up tomorrow, monday, and I was planning on taking it back and exchanging it.
I had so much dust under the screen in the top left, it actually covered like the corner

| /<-dust here

Last edited by rdwing; 09-19-2010 at 12:31 PM.
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