My recent conversation with my friend who thinks his iPhone is the best phone in the world (and actually works for Apple)
My questions-
Is your iPhone screen this large?
Do you have an 8mp camera?
Do you have HDMI out?
Do you have a 1ghz cpu?
Can you overclock your cpu to 1.2ghz?
Do you have 1gig of memory?
Do you have a replaceable battery?
Do you have Dual flash for your camera and camcorder?
Do you have removable media cards?
Do you have 5 point multi-touch?
Do you get 60fps?
Can you play flash?
Do you have live wallpaper?
Do you have customizable home screens?
Do you have widgets?
Can you download music for free?
Do you have Google Turn-by-Turn Nav with voice prompts?
Can you send emails, sms, etc with nothing more than your voice?
Can you download apps from other sources?
Can you video chat while in the passenger seat of someones car away from wifi?
Do you have the same 9mb download speed I have on 4g?
Do you have a wireless access point?
Do you have an unlimited plan for $69?
Can you do anything without having to have iTunes installed?
Can you root your phone without the worry of Apple bricking it?
His answer to everything was "No"
I then asked him-
Name one thing that your iPhone can do that my EVO can't do or can't do better?
His answer was "I don't know" (remember, this is an Apple employee)
I then asked him-
Why do you have an iPhone then?
No answer.... Just a dumb blank stare as he started to realize that maybe he really didn't have the greatest phone in the world.
I told him "It's alright... when you go back to work Monday and drink some more of that cool-aid... You will once again have the Greatest Phone in the World!"