Originally Posted by DatBoiDame
Its a crying shame that I can only thank this post once!!
Originally Posted by kozmo
Well then, let me help you 
Originally Posted by DatBoiDame
 Preciate it lol
:>)) thanks, got ya all back & then some! :>))
Originally Posted by 3matthew3
I didn't do anything with the Rhod Keyboard controller and my hard key worked from the get go. [on Sprint TP2] Thanks for the awesome info.
thanks for tip, noted.. didn't do it for me perhaps a reboot or something
Originally Posted by laymanspc
ADC is not a valid PPC App...
Error received trying to "automatically configure connections" from the connections settings page.
?? ReDL (download again) & give us more details if it fails (ROM, exactly what your were doing...
Originally Posted by kyderr
In regards to the bluetooth issue. I have flashed every Cookie ROM since July in the 6.5.x series. The bluetooth issue remains. Didn't happen on stock and doesn't happen on mighty, so there is something that's causing it. It's about 75% of the time it won't hang up. Aside from that, This ROM has been the best ROM for me ever from NRG. Smooth, solid. Everything so far major works. I noticed the Action MMS only launch SMS. I know that to send a pic message from a pic you must choose mail, Message doesn't work. I'm gonna try Maxx's cab for battery, as I can only go a few hours before she's done...
I still run into Memory problems, even though I PP'd to 12. But it doesn't seem as bad on this ROM. I would be interested to try the Start Menu removal, but I am kinda hesitant due to the fact that once in a while, the start menu is the only thing that works. Not so far on this ROM though, I am SOD free so far. I also removed Arkswitch, I am starting to believe that is the source of many problems. I would be a fan of a different task manager.
So, just to summarize: (not ripping you, trying to help, let others respond)
1. You are the only one that's had a consistent issue with your equipment across ALL Energy ROMs? (anyone else across all of them? If so please post, maybe I missed that)
2. You say Mighty ROM use to work with your equipment.
3. I'm not having issues, DaveTN reported he wasn't & then did have some? Dave again?
4. Most of us are not having issues on THIS ROM. (Sept 13&14)
If you folks really want to solve this make sure you are on the latest ROM. If not, please make sure you post precisely which one your on (not just cookie... there are MANY of those)
ALSO: when you post please list EXACTLY what BT you are using (MONO, Stereo, brand, etc..)
kyderr: still not ripping on you, but you may want to try a friends BT both mono & stereo & see if it still happens with your phone. If it does, you may have a slight incompatibility in your BT stack that doesn't sit well with NRG BT software. ... just saying... Not sure he'll have time to work with only a couple of you that have the issue??
Also, those that are having the BT issue, apparently THE current ROM set has fixed the issue for most of us. Reflash to the current ROM, then try. I highly doubt you'll see any patches put out for a BT issue at this point for old ROMS. So... you may just want to drop it if you don't flash up... ??
Also, try the start menu removal, if you don't like it, run this cab & 20 seconds later, everything is back to normal. EASY!! You guys burn ROMs & don't want to try this??? :>)) too funny :<)) it's 10 times as easy as ROM burning!!
Restore Start menu.cab in "HOW TO" link bottom of signature line
**deleted some stuff here**
Originally Posted by unxguyjr
Have you tried stopping arkswitch? I was having problems with SOD but one I disabled arkswitch that has stopped. The show for me is also grayed out...but have not really cared since I have not ever use it.
Agreed, remove arkswitch in \windows\startup
Taskmanager: I use wktask that allows me to see all running tasks on the very top bar, icons on left side of running progs, for the prog & settings look in the "HOW TO" link in my sig. If you tap the icon, it switches to that task, if you long press it (hold), you can shut it down. It's not as finger friendly as Arkswitch, so I use windows key/tools xbutton to map a long hold startmenu key to windows taskmanger, which is pretty finger friendly.