Dear NRGZ28,
huge request:
We need more automatic
accelerometer. Please, please, please, if you can, in the next release, allow the home tab to auto-rotate aw ell as things like email, SMS, and so forth.
Folks with big fingers like myself will love you forever. That is the only thing I miss is being able to turn my phone and the GUI rotates with it.
EDIT: Here is a solution to auto-rotation. It is not as elegant as registry entries and uses memory (Runs in the background) but this will do quite nicely until NRGZ28 adds the ability to auto-rotate.
G-Rotator v1.00 freeware for Windows Mobile Phone.
When you install this, go to it's directory and run it. Then just minimize it. You can set it to run at startup, and tell Arkswitch to hide the window if you like. So far so good on my Imagio and plays well with CHT. I don't like running things in the background or using the extra memory, but I really need my auto-rotation. YMMV