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Old 09-16-2010, 10:29 PM
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Thanks for the update sharkie. That makes sum sense on the rotate apps.I guess my settle hints didn't make it threw, while you updated resco to the same probably still have to enter code but I got no code only cab all good, still a good rom
Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Thanks for all the suggestions. I've not kept up on the newest versions of all the apps due to being preoccupied with other aspects of the ROM. I'll update the ones you mentioned and check for other updates as well.

I replaced the wifi router with the one that's in there due to issues some were having with the wifi router 2.2 (I believe) that I had in there before. In hindsight the issues may have been with other areas and not actually the wifi router package I was using. I'll look into this again.

I included UCWeb because it's the one I use. It's faster than Opera 9.7 or 10 and IE, IMO. But, you're right. I've been thinking that 3 browsers was alot and was thinking of getting rid of Opera all together and let the user install what they like.

I'm only hesitant to start ripping out apps as one of the compliments I've received a lot was the seemingly ideal choice of apps I've included. More than one person said that they didn't have to install many of their apps cuz I already had them included.

But yes, I have removed quite a bit from the ROM already and will look into more.

I haven't look into the boot screen thing yet, but I will...

Added the latest Google maps v4.1.1.

Updated Bing and updated Midomi to v2.3.

Updated Rescoe File explorer to v8.10

Oh, and as far as the rotate screen deal. I have the app "Rotate Screen" as a quick one button way to rotate the screen. I have Flip it in there as a way to set certain apps and screens to auto rotate when the phone is changed without having to press a button. I use them both for different things. They will probably both stay in, although I may install one or both as a .cab at boot so it can be uninstalled if the user so chooses.

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