Originally Posted by Mojary
so if all of the Sprint establishments you went to agreed that you're having hardware issues with your device, why didn't they get you a replacement? I have never had that kind of issue with Sprint those times I had an issue with my device. once i called in CS and told them about the digitizer problem im having and a new replacement phone was sent out via overnight. the slider spring broke about a month ago, took it into the sprint repair center, and they ordered me a new phone again. did they tell you why they let you take your phone back home with you after determining it's a hardware issue?
I'm not sure why, but they did finally agree to ship me a replacement.
and never deal with HTC directly. you'll get charged up the yin yang just for taking up their time. deal with sprint for your replacement since your device is still under warranty.
I sure won't even bother with HTC support. HTC wanted me to ship my phone to them.. they would keep it for who knows how long, and i'd be phoneless the entire time.