What kernel are people using?
I'm running OMJ's Deodexed v3.1 w/1.40 PRI and have been having issues with kernels. I have tried King's BFS9, CFS8, BFS8, Netarchy's 4.19BFS, 4.18BFS. They seem the run ok immediately after flashing them but within 30 minutes my battery feels like it is ready to fry eggs. The phone gets hot and will hang when trying to perform tasks, it will sometimes complete them if i give it a minute or so but sometimes the only fix it is to reboot(which can usually be done without pulling the battery) I am currently flashing netarchy's 4.18 cfs and will let you know how it goes. I am not using setcpu in any way and have uninstalled it completely. Is it possible that these kernels are not compatible with OMJ? What is the best stable kernel for OMJ v3.1? Thanks